2 Articles Found

Great Way For Developing Strategies To Fool The Competition

McKinsey's recent email letter discusses how major corporations are using war games to develop strategies that fool the competition, including ways to innovate. Although the article does not site specific companies, it does site industry categories such as a global high tech firm. Go to:

What Is A Brand?

We've all seen numerous definitions of a brand. Essentially a brand where a product or service "fits" in the consumer's mind. That fit is all about a basketful of attributes made up of two key components: performance (what are you going to do for me today) and emotional rewards (how are you going to make me feel today). Successful marketers have and continue to recognize those important components, with emotional rewards becoming more and more important given the sea of sameness in product and service offerings available today. To better understand brands and branding, read UNDERSTANDING BRANDS BY10 PEOPLE WHO DO, edited by Don Cowley. It's available on